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Photo-electric switch
The PS monitors outside light fixtures according to daylight, this includes
Playgrounds, offices, schoolyards, garage, stores exhibit windows etc’. It
switches on when it getting dark and switch off as soon as the day goes on
even if the weather is cloudy during day time. The electronic device built
inside robust waterproof case for outdoor install. Device Adjustment:
brightens value can be adjusted between 30 to 930 Lux. Adjustment is
done directly on the PS front panel. By turning the adjustment knob to (D)
position “dark state” the relay will energize as soon as it will start to darken
outside. Turning the knob to (L) position “light state” the relay will
energize in brighter illumination. In order to prevent random switching
the PS has an internal delay of 20 sec. This prevents momentary light flashes
such as car dazzle or short dark periods appearance, usually caused by
cloudy days etc’.
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